Tuesday 14 June 2016

EXHIBITION: The Scene of New Architectural Educationー新しい建築教育の現場

EXHIBITION: The Scene of New Architectural Educationー新しい建築教育の現場
Obuchi lab is featured at this exhibition hosted by the LIXIL Ginza Gallery.

Future of Creation Exhibition #8: Supervised by Kengo Kuma
Advanced Design Studies, The University of Tokyo: The Scene of New Architectural Education
June 12, 2016 (Sunday) – August 22, 2016 (Monday)
Closed: Wednesdays, August 10-17
Open Hours: 10:00-18:00
Admission: Free
Cooperation: Kengo Kuma and Associates, LIXIL GALLERY

Talk Event July 23, 2016
Kengo Kuma (Architect), Yusuke Obuchi (Associate Professor, The University of Tokyo), Guest Lecturer
*Reservations accepted from June 1 (Wednesday); registration will close when capacity met.
The exhibition includes a look back at past pavilion projects, an introduction to prior thesis projects by second year students, and a glimpse into the ongoing work at the lab. Students are working in the gallery to research and create mockups for this year's pavilion project. Visitors will also be able to see current activities in the actual lab via a live streaming webcam. Please visit and see how it progresses!