Tuesday 30 October 2012

Circle Pack Pavilion at Tokyo Designers Week

Circle Pack Pavilion is completed. This pavilion was designed and constructed forTokyo Designers Week 2012. Our pavilion will be displayed as part of School Exhibition at Meiji Jingu Gaien site until Nov.5th. If you are going to TDW, please make sure to visit our pavilion!

Circle Pack Pavilion Construction

Testing Circle Pack Pattern for the Pavilion
Students are working to make a pavilion called "Circle Pack Pavilion." It is becoming one of G30's annual events to build a pavilion for Tokyo Designers Week. The pavilion uses shrink film and various sizes of nested bamboo rings to archive lightweight structure. We will update more photos during the event.
Assembly Test

Production of nested bamboo rings 

Thursday 18 October 2012

3D Printer

uPrintSE Plus
3D Printed Test Model
Stratays's uPrintSE Plus has been added to our digital facilities. This 3D printer has the ability to print any kinds of three dimensional form up to 203mm x 203mm x 152mm.

3D Printed Deli's Project from Last Year

Monday 15 October 2012

New G30 Students

1st Year Studio Pin-up
This is G30's 3rd year since we started in 2010. We have students of different backgrounds every year, and the group is getting bigger. This year, our 1st year students are from China, Korea, Macedonia, Mexico, Portugal, Spain, and the US. They have already started working on their studio projects.

Tuesday 9 October 2012

G30 Studio and Digital Tutorial Classes Started

G30 2012-2013 Kick-off meeting
We started our new semester, and will be working on studio project to design non-linear tensegrity canopy, developing both physical and digital design system. Digital tutorials have also begun this week focusing on Maya, Rhino+Grasshopper, and Processing. The students are going to develop and exam their design systems by making physical models and 1:1 mock-ups in the first half of the semester.