Monday 25 May 2015

SPL Pavilion 2015 [Membrane Integrated Structure] : Meeting with Prof. Jun Sato

The SPL pavilion team had a meeting about the pavilion structure with Prof. Jun Sato. The idea combines carbon fiber rods with a stretchable membrane. The membrane contributes to both geometrical deformation and surface structure.

Exciting Series of Lectures June 2~8th

We are hosting the symposium "The Saga of Continuous Architecture" on next Saturday and Sunday (for more info, please see
Related to the event, we have multiple upcoming lectures next week:
June 2nd 10:00-12:00 (at UTokyo, Engineer bldg.1 415 ADS Room)
"Points of Inflection"
Thomas Daniell (University of Saint Joseph)
June 3rd 18:00-20:00 (at UTokyo, Engineer bldg.1 Lecture room 15)
"The Task of the Translator"
Thomas Daniell (University of Saint Joseph)
June 4th 18:00-20:00 (at UTokyo, Engineer bldg.1 415 ADS Room)
"Staging the Confederacy: History, Geometry, and a Hint from Isozaki"
Todd Gannon (SCI-Arc)
June 5th 18:00-20:00 (at Shimizu corp) Attention: reservation needed (send your name to by June 3rd)
"Alejandro Zaera-Polo Lecture at Shimizu"
Alejandro Zaera-Polo (Princeton University)
June 6th 12:30-14:00 (at UTokyo, Engineer bldg.1 415 ADS Room)
"City Everywhere: Kim Kardashian and the Dark Side of the Screen"
Liam Young (Princeton University, AA School)
June 8th 18:00-20:00 (at UTokyo, Engineer bldg.1 415 ADS Room)
"Shaken no Stirred"
Hernan Diaz Alonso (SCI-Arc)
Hope you can join us!

Tuesday 19 May 2015

May 20, 2015: Special Lecture by Carlo Ratti (MIT)

Please join us for a special lecture with Carlo Ratti from MIT.

March 20, 2015
T_ADS Studio, Room 415
Engineering Building #1, 4F
Hongo Campus, The University of Tokyo

Carlo Ratti is an Italian architect, engineer, inventor, educator and activist who teaches at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA, where he directs the MIT Senseable City Lab, a research group that explores how new technologies are changing the way we understand, design and ultimately live in cities. He is also a founding partner of the international design office Carlo Ratti Associati, which he established in 2004 in Torino, Italy. Ratti was named one of the "50 most influential designers in America" by Fast Company and highlighted in Wired Magazine's "Smart List: 50 people who will change the world."

Ratti has been featured in Esquire Magazine’s ‘2008 Best & Brightest’ list and in Thames & Hudson’s selection of ‘60: Innovators Shaping our Creative Future. In 2010 Blueprint Magazine included him as one of the ‘25 People Who Will Change Architecture and Design’, Forbes listed him as one of the ‘Names You Need To Know’ in 2011.

(bio via Wikipedia)

Friday 8 May 2015

May 11th, 2015: "From Pulsation to Feedback" Lecture by Eric Goldemberg of MONAD Studio

On May 11 2015, we are very fortunate to have Eric Goldemberg of MONAD Studio join us for a lecture event.  
It will be held in the ADS Studio, in room 415 of Engineering Building #1 on Hongo Campus from 16:00-17:30.
The event is open to the public, so please feel free to join.

MONAD Studio was founded in 2002 by Design Principals Eric Goldemberg and Veronica Zalcberg. 

Eric Goldemberg - Principal Designer 
Eric is an architect with a professional degree from the University of Buenos Aires and a Master of Science in Advanced Architectural Design from Columbia University, New York. He worked for Peter Eisenman as senior designer for the City of Culture of Galicia, Spain and has headed design teams in several competitions. He was also project architect for Asymptote Architecture (Hani Rashid & Lise Anne Couture) on projects in Malaysia, The Netherlands and the Guggenheim Museum in Guadalajara, Mexico. Goldemberg is Associate Professor and Digital Design Coordinator at Florida International University in Miami where he teaches graduate studios and advanced digital design and fabrication courses. Previously, he has taught at Pratt Institute, Columbia University, New York Institute of Technology, New Jersey Institute of Technology, and University of Buenos Aires. 

May 8, 2015: DFL (1st year students) Mid-Term Review with Sponsor, Takenaka Corporation

On May 8, 1st year students in Digital Fabrication Lab (DFL) had their mid-term review, which was joined by this year's pavilion sponsor, Takenaka Corporation. We were also joined by collaborators Prof. Igarashi (computer science) and Prof. Sato (structural engineering), and there were lively and informative exchanges between all participants. The participants from Takenaka Corporation asked many pointed questions from pragmatic, construction-centric perspectives. Students will incorporate the points raised throughout the review into their final pavilion designs and proposals. 

From this point onwards, together with Igarashi-Lab, Sato-Lab, and Takenaka Corporation, we will select one direction, and 1st year students in DFL will work collectively on one pavilion project. Stay tuned for which pavilion will get built this year!

Thursday 7 May 2015

SPL Pavilion 2015 : First Mock-up

After several tests of small physical models and computational simulations, we tested a mock-up of the pavilion with carbon fiber rods. The pattern is first created in 2D and then pops up to a 3D form when anchor points are released.