Friday 8 May 2015

May 8, 2015: DFL (1st year students) Mid-Term Review with Sponsor, Takenaka Corporation

On May 8, 1st year students in Digital Fabrication Lab (DFL) had their mid-term review, which was joined by this year's pavilion sponsor, Takenaka Corporation. We were also joined by collaborators Prof. Igarashi (computer science) and Prof. Sato (structural engineering), and there were lively and informative exchanges between all participants. The participants from Takenaka Corporation asked many pointed questions from pragmatic, construction-centric perspectives. Students will incorporate the points raised throughout the review into their final pavilion designs and proposals. 

From this point onwards, together with Igarashi-Lab, Sato-Lab, and Takenaka Corporation, we will select one direction, and 1st year students in DFL will work collectively on one pavilion project. Stay tuned for which pavilion will get built this year!