Monday, 9 March 2015

March 9th, 2015: "ALPHABET" Lecture by Thomas Weaver of AA School

On March 9th, 2015, we were very fortunate to have Thomas Weaver, from AA School of Architecture, join us for a whole series of events. Thomas Weaver teaches at the AA School of Architecture in London, where he also edits all of the AA's books and journals, including the award-winning title, AA Files.
The day's finale was a lecture by him titled, "ALPHABET." Brief: This talk will be structured around an alphabet of 26 key images, from A through to Z, Albers through to Zebra, that have appeared over the last eight years through the pages of the architectural journal AA Files. Each image will be presented not only through its immediate place within the journal, but through its pictorial, anecdotal, historiographic and iconographic architectural associations. The effect, hopefully, will be of a varied and eclectic architecture in 26 parts, yet one that still somehow suggests the singularity of a unified, whole project.
Many students attended the lecture and it was followed by a lively round of Q&A. Good times were had by all. Please join us next time.